Saturday, January 30, 2010


so i'm writing today to basically get some stuff off of my chest... this past week my good friend passed away and it has been one of the hardest things to deal with. i have been trying to stay busy and i've tried to surround myself with friends; however, alex (my best friend) dated the kid for six years. i don't know what do or what to say. i have been trying to be strong and there for her. she is one of the strongest people i have ever met. i don't know how she does it (and i know this has nothing to do with our blog entries), buuuut, i have been thinking about all of this lately and it hurts....i didn't mean to make a depressing blog but i needed to vent....



  1. Thanks, Morgan. Venting is totally a major reason for these blogs . . reminders that we are mortal are so painful, but can also be good perspective-shifters. Hang in there, and let us know how we can support you!

  2. one of my friends died over break from a car crash. im so sorry morgan. let me or us know if we can help.
