Wednesday, March 3, 2010

these next few days

So these next few days before midterms is kind of freaking me out. I know that I'm doing well in most of my classes but one class has me super stressed out. That being sociology. It is literally the most boring class I have ever had to take. I have no interest when I'm in class, I actually feel like a robot because all I do is type notes, after notes, after notes. I think this class relates back to class when we discussed the teaching styles of some professors. This professor sits in front of the lecture hall (which is maybe 350+ students) and reads straight from the powerpoint.
Now I know it can be difficult to keep an audience this size's attention, but I feel like we can do more than just read straight from the powerpoint and watch movies the whole time. I didn't do so well on my first test and I took all of the notes and did the study guide. I don't know what else to do for this class. I feel like going to class, taking notes, and doing the study guide should get me a good day; however, it doesn't quite do the trick... I don't know, I guess I'll try something different this time and see how it works out for me.


  1. Have you thought about meeting with the prof to get suggestions?? :) Studying with a group of folks that do well in the class??

    Best of luck!

  2. I'm with ya I hate midterms...just think about Spring Break next week
