Monday, April 5, 2010

free bird forever

This past week has been one of the roughest week I've experienced since my Junior year of high school. Just a week ago, one of my best friends from high school was found dead in a retention pond. He was the missing Purdue student and belonged to the Beta fraternity.
Pat was my first friend at Cathedral and really had a way of making people smile. He had the most contagious laugh and would always want to have a good time, no matter what. Pat had a goooofy smile and could literally brighten any room. Pat stole my heart from the day we met. He was also on senior retreat, which means we became even closer our senior year.
I feel guilty because I hadn't seen or talked to Pat in a really long time, and that honestly breaks my heart. I would do anything in the world to have one more day with him. Just to hear his laugh and see him smile... especially right now, when the sun is out and shining bright ( those were Pat's favorite days). I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't take anyone or anything for granted...


  1. morgan im truly sorry about your loss. personally ive never had someone i truly know pass away so i cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling, with alex and now pat (i checked your other post, im not some creep.) stay strong and i hope you have some good news in future blog posts.
